Google мандтугай!

Өчигдөр Монгол Улс интернетын гарцтай болсны 10 жилийн ой болж өнгөрөв. Бас л хурдан юм аа, нэг л мэдэхэд 10 жил болчихжээ. Саяхан л учраа мэдэхгүй Monstudnet-ын чатанд дэмийрдэг байлаа шт, тэгсэн яасан байхав, Бодрол хүртэл аль хэдийн нэг нас хүрчихсэн байдаг.

Интернет ээ гэж… бас л буянтай зүйл шүү. Жишээ нь Google байхгүй болчихвол би бараг л яаж амьдрахаа мэдэхээ байх байлгүй. Анзаараад байхад Google бий болсноос хойш миний тархины мэдээлэл хадгалах процесс эрс өөрчлөгдөөд байгаа. Урьд нь ихэнхи мэдээллийг асар идэвхитэй нь аргагүй цээжилж тогтоодог байлаа шт, тэгсэн одоо Google-дчих юм чинь дээ гэж бодоод онцын шаардлагагүй зүйлийг хэргээр мартдаг болоод байна. Шинэ технологи ийм богино хугацаанд хүний тархины үйл ажиллагаанд ийнхүү нөлөөлнө гэж байдаг болов уу? Эсвэл би хөгшрөөд залхуу болж байгаагаа хөөрхий муу Google-руу чихээд байж ч мэдэх юм, :P. Гэхдээ магад Google жинхэнэ утгаараа хүн төрөлхтний collective memory болж байгаа ч юм билүү…

Үндэсний Статистикийн Газрын гаргасан тооны дагуу 2004 оны байдлаар Монголын 1000 хүнд 8.1 интернет хэрэглэгч ноогдож байгаа гэнээ (ҮСГ – энэ тоог хэрхэн яаж гаргасан нь тодорхой бус байна). Монголын нийт хүн ам 2.8 сая (CIA World Factbook) гэж багцаалж тооцоход манайд нийт 22680 хүн интернет хэрэглэдэг гэсэн тоо гарч байгаа юм. Гэхдээ гадаадад амьдарч буй Монголын иргэд уг тоонд багтаагүй биз. Тэгэхээр Монгол сайтыг тогтмол үзэх боломжтой хэдэн арван мянган хүмүүс байна гэсэн үг… бас л чамлахааргүй тоо шүү.

Юутай ч, баярын мэнд!

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  1. bi dongoj sayhan roommate-uudteigee google baihgui baisan bol bid nariin amidral yamar baih baisan talaar baahan yarijiiigaad irsen chini Jagie bas yaaag utga negen yum bichihsen baidag baina sht. Ene uneheer chuhal zuil shuu, tehdee Jagie chi neeree dandaa l telepath-ddaj baihiimaa, neeree

  2. Dongoj 22680 gedeguu? UB-d l gehed 600000 hun amdardag bizdee. Yadaj 30% ni internet heregledge gej bodvol 180000 hun bolj baina. Tegeed deerees ni hodoonii aimgiin tov, Darhan, Erdenet g.m gevel yavch 22K-s hamaagui iluu garnaa.

  3. CIA worldfact book-d bichseniig unshval internet hereglegchdiin too 2004 onii medeegeer 220’000 gej baih yum. Ene ni unend neleed oirtoh too gej bodoj baina.
    Teriig haraad suuj baihad neeree neg sonin yum olj harlaa. Mongol ulsiin hun am ni 2005 oni 7r sariin baidlaar 2’791’272 gej baih yum. Tegsen undesnii statistic-n gazriin homepage-n ehnii nuuren deer 2004 onii baidlaar 2’504 myanga. 2018 ond 3 say hurne geh metchilen jagiegiin heldegeer dalii dalii yum bichsen baih yum. 2005 oni 9r sariin baidlaar gargasan bullet-in baigaa bolovch hun amiin toonii talaar shirher ch uguulber alga. Harin nas baralt, torolttei holbootoi uzuulelt baina. Za ter yahav. Harmgiin gol ni yaagaad ene 2 too hoorondo iim ih zorootei baina??? CIA nargiad baina uu esvel manaihan joohon balgachihsan baihdaa hun amiinhaa toog homepage-dee oruulchvuu???

  4. Those little sites that do nothing but to let us stun and awe at ourselves make no sense.

    We Mongols are so IGNORANT that we enjoy bragging EMTPY about ourselves. And the way that foreigners get intrigued about our live’s smallest useless detail, makes us go CRAZY.

    We like to hear that we are warriors, conquerors and all that shit. In reality, there ain’t NOTHING glorious about our lives. And to see them white people somehow marvel at our SHITTY lives, indulges us enormously.

    When foreigners finally make it to Mongolia, all they see is piss-frosted streets with unhappy citizens, (hence drinking, adultering, and corrupting the very country which they despise) wanting to fly away to a rich “white” country.

  5. NCAA, I do respect your opinion but it seems that lately you have nothing positive to say. Besides, your whining about how we are ignorant, unhappy and inferior is not helping at all… Cheer up, will ya? 😛

  6. NCAA has made me sure about just one thing: he himself is unhappy and inferior. Let us just ignore NCAA.

  7. to Jagie: I think we should be realistic, in sense not to kid ourselves. At least I am honest, but some people act like patriots and when time comes they don’t give a rat’s shit about it. So instead of kidding myself, I choose to be realistic.

    to Bodloo: man, you’re using the “ignore” card so soon?

  8. I think there’s a difference between being negative and being realistic. Highlighting the negative while downplaying the positive is not what honesty is all about. I agree that on the one extreme there are people who fail to see their own faults… However, on the other extreme, there are people (yourself included) who similarly fail to see their own strengths. We’ve got to balance between these two extremes, otherwise it becomes an empty contest between the naysayers and the yes-men.

  9. It is all about balance. Credit card balance, balanced diet, balancing work and pleasure. Blancing is everything.

  10. Cool thing is, equilibrium doesn’t “exist” anywhere at all. Whether of chaotic or intelligent nature, every sort of order is always off balance. Balancing is everything, that leads to nothing.

  11. In life, too much of anything is bad. So you got to balance it.

    Nature is chaotic. But our existence depends on balance, balance between night and day, cold and warm, and the balanc between earth and moon and the sun. So the oceans could keep on tiding. And the Earth could keep on turning.

    It is not a perfect balance, but it is enough equilibrium to sustain life for couple of billion years.

    Just enough CO2 and just enough sun light – or the right balance – was the source of life on earth.

    Balancing is everything.

  12. Nature is not balanced at all, otherwise we wouldn’t be here. It’s not even us, that’s doing the balancing act. It’s more like proton is positive and electron is negative; that much amounts to all this… rubbish.

  13. Even with its shitty situatins, I don’t think human life is rubbish. There are some cherishable “intimate” moments that worth putting up with life’s knee-jerk high deep shit.

    Of course, we humans are so helplessly powerless against Nature. We can’t do any substantial balancing.

    What I am saying is, with some luck and without our participation, there is a balance in our solar system that is allowing our existence.

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