Нэг жилийн ой

Хальт анзаартал блог маань маргааш 1 нас хүрэх гэж байгаа юм байна. Нэг мэдсэн бүтэн жил өнгөрчих болтой юм аа, цаг хугацаа гэж… Ямар ч байсан нэг жилийн туршид нийт 129 бичлэг, 718 сэтгэгдэл бичигдсэн гэж байна, тэгэхээр ойролцоогоор 3 хоногт нэг бичлэг нэмэгдэж, өдөрт 2 сэтгэгдэл бичигджээ (зуны hiatus-ыг эс тооцвол давтамж сайтай л байж гэж баярлахгүй юу). Далийлт бас л үр бүтээлтэй байсан байгаа юм чинь… Та нар шүү!

Хоёр дахь жилдээ хэрхэн яаж балай авах вэ гэсэн, 😛 Ядаж байхад шинэ жил болох гэж байдаг…

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  1. The Doors

    People Are Strange

    People are strange when you’re a stranger
    Faces look ugly when you’re alone
    Women seem wicked when you’re unwanted
    Streets are uneven when you’re down

    When you’re strange
    Faces come out of the rain
    When you’re strange
    No one remembers your name

    When you’re strange
    When you’re strange
    When you’re strange

    People are strange when you’re a stranger
    Faces look ugly when you’re alone
    Women seem wicked when you’re unwanted
    Streets are uneven when you’re down

    When you’re strange
    Faces come out of the rain
    When you’re strange
    No one remembers your name

    When you’re strange
    When you’re strange
    When you’re strange

    John Lennon


    Imagine there’s no heaven ,
    It’s easy if you try ,
    No hell below us ,
    Above us only sky ,
    Imagine all the people
    living for today …

    Imagine there’s no countries ,
    It isn’t hard to do ,
    Nothing to kill or die for ,
    No religion too ,
    Imagine all the people
    living life in peace …

    Imagine no possessions ,
    I wonder if you can ,
    No need for greed or hunger ,
    A brotherhood of men ,
    Imagine all the people
    Sharing all the world …

    You may say I’m a dreamer ,
    But I’m not the only one ,
    I hope some day you’ll join us ,
    And the world will live as one …

  2. WOW! Happy Birthday to Bodrol! Sayhan l Bodrol neegdlee geed l uchirgui baysaad l unshij baij bilee. Odoo tegtel hediin 1 jil ongorcihson baidag. Mash olon, zarim bur sanaand oromgui hunees Bodroliin tuhai sonsoj baisan shuu, bugd eyreg comment-uud. Bodrol maani urgelj Bodrolooroo baihiin toloo! Jagie, real good job!

  3. Bodrol-d oin bayariin mend hurgye! (sorry for belated wish). Bodrol tsaashdaa yavan changarna biz dee :).Ene jil shine jiliin udeshiig NYC-d unguruuldug yum biluu geel gaihaal bna. Hotel-uudiin une uje deeshee yavchij. Sayhan 175 gej bsan buudal ali hediin 600 bolson bna. Does it worth to spend for a memorable New Year?

  4. Neg jiliin oin mend tanai site-d!

    Especially to you Jagie caz I think you are one hellava hard-working girl.
    Congratulations on your excellent job for keeping Mongolia’s intelligentsia stimulated!

  5. Jagie, bodoloo huvaaltssand thanks. Bi aihtar detailed tuluvluguu zohiogoogui l bna, zugeer l NY-d temdeglej uzmeer sanagdaad. Of course, gants 2 bar-aar shagaichih sanaatai :). Busdaaraa bol classic bna.

  6. La-d: new yorkiin shine jil yahav, busad gazruudiig (US hotuudiig) bodvol dajguil boldog. times square deer boldog yumiig ni uzye gevel buten odorjin tend goyo spot avaad huleeh boldiim baina lee, bi neg udaa ochihod aimaar ih huntei, barag 2 saya garan hun tsuglarsan baina geed, ovoorson baahan tolgoinoos oor yum harj chadaagui, didn’t like it much to be honest. zugeer l harin mongoliin hun amiig, huuhed shuuhad, hogshid emgedtei ni bugdii ni neg talbaid avchraad tavichihval hir ih haragdahnuu gej sonirhson hund bol sonin l yum bilee. 600 ch arai l bish yumaa. terend orvol mongol nis. mongold hamaagui goyo boldiisht. 😀

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