Төрсөн өдөр

Өнөөдөр (Монголын цагаар 4 сарын 1 болчихсон юм чинь) аавын төрсөн өдөр… Асар зугаатай өдөр төрсөн хүн дээ, жоохон байхдаа асар их гэнэддэг байсан байхаа… Хулан мань хоёр ч гэсэн аавыг хэд хэдэн удаа гэнэдүүлж байсан тал бий шүү гэсэн, хаха. Ямар ч байсан, аавдaa төрсөн өдрийн мэнд хүргээд… дараах дууг зориулья гэсэн (500 эскимо гоё шүү): Песенка Гены.

Бонус дуу: из фильма “Мэри Поппинс, До свидания” – Непогода. Энэ дууг сонсохоор шууд музыка-гийн хичээл санаанд ордог юм. Би 5-р ангидаа билүү дээ, музыка-гийн шалгалт нь дээр “Непогода непогода” гэж соло орилж жинкэнэ онигоонд орж билээ гэсэн, хаха. Сонсоод байсан чинь бас айгүй “армантик” дуу байсан байна шт… “никуда никуда, но знай, что где-то там, кто-то ищет тебя среди дождя” гэдэг байна шт… гоё шүү гэсэн.

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Couple days ago Frau Havelka died! She was as part of this city as the Riesenrad or the Karl-Marx house. Now she’s no more. Hopefully her legacy of unbounded hospitality would live on at her café, in this otherwise rigid place. She was 103 years old.

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more easter

A total and talentless EP ripoff 😀 yes, I had that much spare time…

Нар мандан бүхнийг гийгүүлээшин
нэвт гэрэлтүүлж элэг бөөр зүрх түлээш
Тархинд алтан шармал Бурхан залраашин
талд бадамлянхуа цэцэглүүлээш.
Мичид одод уу? Мен мэдэхгүээмен, мэлхий гээт?
Мэлхий пад, мэддэг чинь хумхи хум пад
хүсдэг чинь бас хум пад, тэсвэл ниснэ
тэрсэлвэл дөрвөн дарам, хэрээс цухуйсангүй.
Саатаж байна, бадмэ хум.
И вправду дундук.
Дайчин, сайн ноён луу отго
суман туг, гүрэн их цэргийн Эзэн
“Энгүй Говьд сэлмээн ирлэж, их Хангайд жадаан хурцалж
Эгнэгт ху нарын тоосыг элсэн манхнаас арчсугай” !
Хун шивуу хун шивуу
нуур минь хатаад гуаглаавидн
хуур минь хагараад гуаглаавидн
Сар мандан шөнө дөл болгоорон,
шал гаслуулан, зоо дагзанд зэвэр зоогоош
Харь гачиг нууруунаа мунадааран
хуга, важра, гэрэлт чулуу бутлааш.
Өвсөнд шүтнэм.
“Халх хатуу төмөр хайлаад, хатаад,
махийгаад, маргааш гэхэд:
Нарны гэрэл ойхгүй байв” гэж би зүүдэлби.

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Had little to do during the holiday over here, managed to put down some of my less screwed up thoughts 😀

Is poetry really the highest form of communication? Poetry can communicate complex ideas and feelings simultaneously with their emotional components. This makes a very accurate and precise, but all the while very broad modus of communication possible. Poetic forms can even prepare the subject mind to recieve the carried information in an accommodating way, using certain lyrical or acustic tricks, characteristic of that language, which call for immediate reaction in the brain. But let’s look at the competition.

Music is probably the strongest of them. It could be the oldest form of communication of human beings. In immitating the sounds born by nature, it can stir the deepest, most ancient instincts, which even preceed our species. That makes it so powerful, on a level we’re not even able to cognitively recognize, that music is the favorite instrument of manipulating human emotions. Classical music uses this quality and thus can take us with the help of complicated acustical patterns through a remarkable palette of emotions.

What happens if you combine music with poetry? Wouldn’t that kind of synergy create an even more powerful medium of communication? Turns out music is so infinitely more powerful on a basic level, that it mostly blocks the intellectual component carried by lyrics. When you hear a song, all that matters is the music, the tembre and patterns of the singer’s voice, the emotions they create. The lyrical part mostly reaches our perception through isolated words, which punctuate the emotional continuity we’re experiencing, and enhance or downplay it. That makes the combination of lyrics and music extremely powerful, yet so basic that complex ideas and intellectual constructs are not communicated. The poetry has to play the subordinate role of mere lyrics.

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PS2: Narc

Speaking of narcotics, there is a new game out for PS2, which is based entirely on the War on Drugs. In Narc, you get to play a cop, who is fighting an international drug cartel. The funny thing about the game is that you may choose to be a bad cop and use the drugs you get your hands on. The game has different settings for each type of drug used, and the background, music and the pace of the game change accordingly. I wonder who had to do research for the project, hmmm…

If I only had a PS2… btw, people, my b’day is coming up soon…. 😀

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Diplomat smuggling drugs

Check this out: Mongolian diplomat smuggling drugs. 23 million dollars worth of amphetamine? Interesting…

PS: Монгол сонин дээр ГХЯ энэхүү хэрэгт холбогдсон дипломат ажилтнаа татсан гэx мэдээ байна билээ. Европт суугаа Монгол дипломатууд үе үе хууль бус тамхины наймаанд ороцолдсон сонсогддог байсан бол сүүлийн үед гарууд хүндэрч байгаа юм байна л даа гэсэн…

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Lord of the Light

I’ve just finished reading a very interesting book – “Lord of the Light” by Roger Zelazny. If you are into fantasy or sci-fi, I would highly recommend it. In fact, a friend of mine recommended it to me, and I loved it.

Although “Lord of the Light” paints a distant future, sometimes it seems as if the story is about the Dark Ages. Indeed, the men of the distant future, who have gained unprecedented mental power, have become literal gods on another planet, after the demise of the Earth. They have reincarnated the ancient structure of Indian hinduism, and the First, the men who knew Earth, rule as Gods over their many descendants, who worship them in the many Temples of the Gods. The Gods have monopoly power over mental and technological progress, and they do not share these with the common people, who live in a Dark Age-like world of superstition and fear. However, among the Gods, there is one, who desires to bring down the Heaven and spread their knowledge. His name is Sam, and his quest involves many battles, many foes, many bodies… Along the way, he reincarnates the way or becomes Gautama Siddhartha, the Buddha, as he chooses Buddhism as the antidote to the Hinduist pantheon of the Gods of Heaven. Also fighting the Heaven is Nirriti, the Black crusader for Christianity, with his armies of zombie-like creatures.

Despite the fantasy elements, “Lord of the Light” is true science fiction with spaceships, guided missiles, divine Attributes of destruction and death, prayer machines, etc. The God of Death, Yama, who eventually rebels against the Heaven, is an outstanding engineering genius, which is apt and ironic at the same time, considering the amazing destructive forces of modern technology. Also, the dichotomy between religious beliefs and technological progress lends the story a very interesting twist. Zelazny’s use of religious philosophies is very interesting, it definitely takes his work to a mythical level. In an another dimension of the story, Sam’s belief in “accelerationism”, whereby everybody should be able to enjoy the fruits of technology and progress, is countered by the Gods’ insistence on the unpreparedness of the people, which sounds similar to the democracy vs. absolutism debate. In the fashion of the great Hindu scrolls, Zelazny has numerous interesting plots and subplots in the story, and they all serve to create one grand epic. As all great epics, “Lord of the Light” has its share of romance as well… A fascinating read.

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I’m spending the weekend in Boston, visiting my sister at her school. Today we walked around all day, did some shopping, etc. Boston seems to be a very cute place, although I still can’t shake the small-town feeling. I guess after New York most places will seem small-townish, sigh.

We went to Newbury street today, the main shopping area in Boston. It was a quaint street with rows of townhouses converted into storefronts. We were saying how it was quite similar to UB’s downtown, where all the first floor apartments are being converted into shops and restaurants. Anyhow, Newbury was like that, and it had all these boutique-y looking stores and little cafes. Overall, a very picturesque neighborhood… I’m quite bummed that I didn’t have a camera to take photos. Oh well, until the next time…

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